Tuesday, July 8, 2014


Today was a really hard day for me. I had to let go. I had to let go of what I had thought was my future, I had to let go of all my emotions and memories, and I had to decide to move on. It was not easy, but necessary. When someone doesn't feel the same about you or have the same respect for you then there is no longer a team. Tonight, I hurt, but I will be ok. Worse things happened today than my fiancé and I breaking up. I was working today and I heard that there were bombs at the Salem hospital and people were on lock down. I absolutely can not believe this happened. And the worst part is that 2 people I know work there. I am so very thankful to God that these people I knew in passing were ok. Can you imagine something that scary going on at your place of work? Nobody should have to worry about things like that. Plus, hospitals are a place of healing, and a comfort for those leaving our world. That should not have to be a way for people to rest. What a shame this world has come to. So, on another note, I have decided to take a couple trips in the next year. Towards the middle or end of fall, I am going to go to the east coast and see a friend who is in the military. Then, come summer 2015, I am going to take a trip to Italy. I have never taken a vacation in my adult life other than my honeymoon when I got married, so, it is time. I'm excited and I can't wait to go see all the historical monuments of Virginia and Italy! Ok, as much as I hate to do it, I need to go to bed now. Early start to my work day tomorrow. Many blessings to you all tonight! Love, peace, and all things good! Namaste, Emmerica <3

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