Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Bucket List

Bucket list

1. Walk across pedestrian bridge over the Willamette river in Salem at night.
2. kiss a fish, make a wish
3. Backpack Oregon
4. Squish grapes with my feet amd make juice
5. Go to Circe du solet
6. Take my son to treasure island
7. Have a leaf fight and jump in raked piles in the fall
8. Ride a horse on the beach
9. Own a farm
10. Have a big family
11. Backpack Europe
12. Get married at night during a meteor shower
13. Hold a baby polar bear
14. Become an ordained minister
15. Watch a desert sunset
16. Visit the Smithsonian
17. Get a pedicure from those weird fish
18. Go to Carson Hotsprings
19. Befriend a buffalo
20. Blow glass
21. Live simply
22. Cure a disease
23. Start a foundation for pediatric cardiology
24. Float down a river in the summer
25. Learn to play Piano

And will add more later.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Abstinence Makes The Heart Grow Fonder, And Still Snow!

If you read my last blog post, then you know that Matt and I decided to take a vow of abstinence for each other to build a stronger foundation to have a relationship. A lot of people have been encouraging and support this idea. Others have told me that it is a bad idea because a relationship needs sex because it brings people closer together. And I do agree, sex can bring a couple closer together, but what happens if some day you or your partner are unable to perform sexually due to physical injury or illness? Is that an excuse to share that part of you with someone else? Do you stop loving a person because you can't have sex anymore? If sex is the only thing that kept you together, then what did you really have? And did you truly love that person, or did you just love a "certain" part of that person?
Anyway, it's only been 2 days since we made this vow, the physical part has been fairly easy. The hardest part is no kissing goodbye and hugging.The no "I love you" or pet names is a little harder. But I'm doing it and so far I think I've done ok. If this is how I need to prove my feelings I am absolutely happy and willing to do it, he deserves it, he deserves the best. And I want a relationship that will last a lifetime. In order to have that you have to start with a strong foundation. So, we continue on getting to know each other. We laugh, we walk together and do other quality things together, and we learn the things that make our hears beat, and be the very best friends we can be for each other.
Other than that, we still have about 18 inches of snow in Independence and the rest of Polk County. It's heating up and crews are preparing for the about 9 inches of standing water we will have. I'm worried my house is just going to tip over on the left side. My son Thomas has been snowed in at my mom's house all week. I miss him so much. It's hard being away from my baby, and I know he misses me. Thomas doesn't usually like to talk on the phone, but he called me and told me he wanted to come home and be with mom. It broke my heart and I cried for a long time. The snow is pretty, but it's keeping my baby away from me and I wish it was over with now. Not to mention, several crashes all over up and down the Valley. I read this morning that there was a 50 car pile up near Eugene on I5......Can you even imagine that kind of mess? I hope the families are ok.
I hurt my back at work the other day. I had a slip and fall accident and ever since I haven't been able to do much physically. It sucks because nothing is really comfortable whether I am sitting, lying down, standing, or walking. Most of the past couple days I've lounged around and watched TV and taken naps. I won't take medication unless I feel it is dire need. But I've made a couple herbal teas that have anti-inflammatory properties, other than that, just naps. I always find that your body tells you what you need. Pain pills do not actually heal and in my experience they have caused more physical damage than good, so I generally sleep when I am in pain. It makes me tired and I sleep through it. I have taken a couple walks to help loosen up after being stiff all day but by the time I get home, I'm exhausted and sore. So instead of walking I am just going to try some light stretches. At least with the time I've had off I've been able to catch up on some reading for my classes. I have several projects due in the next couple days, so I guess the extra time has been nice.
I'm considering getting a puppy. I mean, in a lot of ways, it makes sense. I live alone so it would be a good idea for security. It would be companionship for when I am lonely, and great motivation for my walks and exercise. But on the other hand, I often stay a couple nights at Matt's house a week and it wouldn't be convenient to have a dog then. It's a tough decision. Plus, pets can make a mess. They shed, they get dirty, they can smell,....I'm just not sure. But there is a dog going into the custody of a  local rescue that I called about. We'll see what happens. Like all things, if it's meant to be, it's meant to be.
Well, I guess that is about all that is on my mind for the time being. I wish everyone safety and warmth during these cold days.

Friday, February 7, 2014

A Midnight Walk Caught Up In The Snow

We had a great Snowfall yesterday. It started in the morning and by early evening we easily had 4-5 inches of snow. Up until now, I never liked the snow. But this year has brought me new feelings and a different way to look at things.
Last night after a day of studying, I had been having a conversation with someone who I had once held their opinion very highly. They said something that really struck me and hurt me. And I realized they had always treated me this way, and I felt very hurt and angry, not necessarily at them for treating me that way, but towards myself for allowing someone to treat me that way for so many years. I was so upset, the only thing I knew to do, was get out and start walking.
I text Matt, and told him I didn't know where I was going, but I needed to go for a walk somewhere so he would know I had my phone on me. We ended up meeting up at the grocery store and he decided he wanted to walk with me. So we started walking downtown Monmouth. It was so beautiful, all the city lights, the powdery snow dusting the outline of every building and tree. There was no wind, so the walk was comfortable, and the snow gave the walk a bit of resistance similar to walking in sand.

We walked down Main Street, and then ended up going down side streets. I'm a romantic at heart. The littlest things mean great deals to me, and Matt had been there for through a lot in the 2 months we have been dating. He has kissed my forehead, the hikes we go on, a Romeo and Juliette style kiss on new years as I leaned over the edge of my balcony and we kissed, spending the night together on Christmas eve and going to Shari's restaurant at 3 in the morning Christmas day, talks that we have that are so random but important to me, and of course he was the first person to encourage me to go to school and accomplish my dreams actually believing I can and having faith in me. So last night, as we were walking through the snow, we approached a stop sign with a street light over it. When we reached it, I told him to stop, he asked "Why?". I wrapped my arms around him and kissed him and looked at him and said "I've never kissed anyone in the snow before.".
We started talking about things and I told him as well how the little things that he doesn't realize he has done with me mean so much to me. He asked me if the things we did together would mean the same thing if we were not intimate with eachother. And I told him that some of the things that we do together I would do with someone else like the hikes and walks, but the more personal intimate things like kissing in the snow wouldn't be the same because I only want to share special moments like that with the person I love.
And then, he asked me to do something for him that nobody else has ever asked of me before. He asked me if we could completely cut out the physical intimacy of our relationship to see how strong we are without it. No kissing. No hand holding, and of course no sex, no more "I love you" or calling him "Baby" or "Babe", and I couldn't call him my "Manfriend" anymore because as I had said before, it implies we are sleeping together. But we would still be exclusive. He explained that in order for him to feel comfortable with us moving forward he wants to see how well we can be friends without it. To be completely honest, if Anybody else had asked me to do this, based on my past relationships with guys, I would have thought it was because they were no longer attracted to me and wanted to end a relationship. But this, this is quite the opposite. This is a test for both of us to move forward and build a stronger foundation for a relationship. I don't know that I would have been able or willing to do this with or for anybody else, but the more I thought about it, I realized, if he is asking me to do this for him, then that means he is also willing to do that for me. I've never had a man or woman I've ever dated show me that kind of respect. I am absolutely willing and happy to make a commitment of abstinence with my best friend.
After our talk and walk around Monmouth, we decided we wanted to go check out Downtown Independence and see what the fountain looked like. It was more beautiful than we could have imagined. Here are some photos of the fountain and downtown Independence.

So that was our walk. We walked for a good 3 hours just enjoying each other and talking about our hopes and dreams and some very personally things. It was great. One of the best nights of my life. And I would like to add, just incase anybody is curious, this is all my original photography with NO PHOTOSHOP!! Take care everyone. I wish you love, peace and joy, and all things good.
Until next time,
Emmerica <3

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Enjoying Oregon Living: Hiking Along Kings Valley Highway

I love Oregon, and I love nature. It's one of the things I am studying in school, all the great healing properties of plants. My Manfriend started taking me on hikes last week and it's totally awesome because I love stuff like that!
Last Week we went and hiked Fort Hoskins Historic Park. It was really neat. Neither of us had been there before. The hike was a little over 2 miles with a steady incline to the top and a comfortable walk back down. We saw evidence of all sorts of wild life, including recent tracks from a herd of elk, deer tracks, claw marks from a bear scratching on a tree, and a poop. Yes, the poop is important to mention. I had decided once we started hiking I was going to try and find a poop on every hike we went on, ya know, just for "shits and giggles".
The view point wasn't bad, but if you are not paying attention, you blink and miss it. For a first hike though, it was excellent. Here are a few photos.

This one is us

These are some Elk Tracks

The Infamous Poop!
Cliff Edge
We really enhoyed our hike at Hoskins, and there are some really great sites to see along Kings Valley HWY, So yesterday we decided to go to another park that a local had told us about called Beazell Forest Memorial Park. We woke up early and got ready as usual, loaded up the truck with our packs, stopped for a few things at the little general store and then we hit the road. The drive out there was very beautiful, the sun was in the sky and there was snow on the mountain tops up in the ValSetz area.
Once we reached the park and started getting out of the truck, we were not prepared for how cold it would be. Honestly, it was so cold I almost thought about getting back in the truck and heading back home. The wind chilled and my nose was so cold I thought my nasal passages would freeze! But we were already there, and we agreed if we just started walking it would warm up. We  started veering left of the barn, the beginning of the route walked along a creek and was pretty level. The smell was woody and you could hear the sounds of water rushing,  birds chirping and branches swaying in the wind. We passed this a beautiful gazebo,
We passed an old car that we both thought was just kinda neat
And then, we passed some beautiful little water falls

There are many paths to choose which go off and loop back to the main trail, we took most of them. The main trail is a fairly steep incline. There were a few bridges. No places to stop and take a rest and sit down other than tree stumps, I really liked it though, keeping it nature like. As we climbed to the top, the sun was shinning down through the trees and it was so serene and peaceful. I felt at home, like I just belonged there. There were beautiful oak trees overgrown by moss and trees that had fallen over creating new habbitats for wildlife. The whole forest worked together supporting each other's survival. There was no trash. There was no "city odor" You couldn't hear any cars,....Just the sounds of nature. This was a hike we both agreed we would love to do again and we would recommend it for other people too. I have been lucky enough to have Matt (my Manfriend) be the one to take me hiking, because he is experienced in the wilderness, knows about proper safety and how to prepare for all situations. This is a great trail for beginners, but you should definitely go with someone who has experience before you go by yourself because there is a lot of wild life. We saw all signs of cougar, bear, and coyote.

On the way back, between Kings Valley and Peedee, there is a covered bridge over Ritner Creek. We stopped and took some pictures, and decided it might be a good place to go fishing some day.

After we got our pictures of Ritner Bridge, we decided it was too cold and we needed to head home. I thought I would be smart and beat the cold by running, but Matt thought it was hilarious when I dramatically called out to him that the truck was locked and I was cold!! We got in, cranked up the heater, and started heading back to town to conclude our trip.
It was a great day! We always have fun. For me, it's nice to spend time with someone who does enjoy things things that I do too. I feel it is important when dating and in a relationship with someone to have your differences too, but when you have things in common and can find things to enjoy to do together, it's priceless and it makes for better quality of time together, even if the quantity isn't as often as you would like.
So, we don't know when our next trip will be, but we are still exploring the Kings Valley Hwy area. We were actually looking to plan a route out above Falls City, I've never been to The Valley of the Giants before, neither has he, and he has never been to Gerlinger park. Anyway, lots of stuff ahead of us, and I hope that some of you can take some of the hikes we have taken and enjoy them as well.
Until next time,
Emmerica <3

The Basics of Me

Let's get a little background going so I can introduce you to the people who are significantly in my life. I am a single mom who divorced last year. I have 1 child, he is a boy and his name is Thomas. He is the light of my life. His father and I generally get a long pretty well, but you know, there are always going to be times where we don't get along perfectly, but we manage for Thomas. I am living alone with my son in Polk County Oregon. I don't have many relatives, and the ones I do have are not close. My mom lives about 10 miles away but I do not see her much. My father and I are not getting along. So I'm pretty Independent here. But there is one person I spend a significant amount of time with besides my son. I call him my "manfriend". People laugh and ask me, "Why do you call him a manfriend?? Is he old??". He is older than me, but that's not really anything new. I prefer to date guys at least 10 years older than me, but as you will learn, I am not mentally 23 with the life experience I have behind me. We have been dating since the beginning of December 2013.
So I left Thomas's father at the beginning of Match 2013 after 2 years of trying to reconcile a failing marriage. It takes 2 to make a relationship work and when I realized he was never going to do his part, I left. To this day, most people still do not know the things he did in our marriage, I took all the blame to save his reputation. I lost a lot of friends over it, which hurt, but I've accepted it. and moved on. And really, who's business is it other than between the 2 people involved why a marriage failed?
So I left Thomas's father and lived with my dad for a while and then when I got the job I am currently working, I bought my house. It is just a 2 bedroom mobile home, but it is my castle and I am doing it on my own. I love this place.
I dated a few guys between March and November 2013. But then I started dating my Manfriend in December. He was a customer in the store I work at and we used to flirt all the time. On December 2nd he came into the store and I had been thinking about asking him to come over for dinner for a couple weeks. I finally caught a second to talk to him and I was bright red and nervous and asked him to come over for dinner and he said yes and gave me his number and we talked for a few. I was so excited and I called him the next day. He didn't know it was my birthday. I had planned on cooking dinner for some friends but nobody showed up except him. We had the best night together and we just stayed up talking until 6 in the morning. It was my best birthday ever.
So here we are in February 2014, I also forgot to mention, in 2013, I started studying holistic health and alternative medicine independently. I lost over 40 pounds, went down 5 pants sizes, reversed diabetes, and came completely free of all prescription and over the counter drugs I had been taking, at the time I was on 5 prescriptions. So, since I had such success, I decided I wanted to go to school for holistic healing and alternative medicine. In January I began classes earning a degree in Holistic Wellness and Alternative Medicine. I am very excited for this and I hope I can help other people create their success story some day.
That's basically my life right now. I have some hobbies, I love to be outdoors, I love cooking, I like to do projects around my house, Spending time with my son, I love dancing and exercise, and of course, you will get to know me more through my posts. Next post, "Enjoying Oregon Living"!

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Greetings from the Heart!

Hello everybody!
Here I am, I decided to create a blog for people of everywhere to get some great information and inspiration to live the best life possible. Here, I will post all sorts of things from my own personal thoughts, things I am learning from my studies as a college student, relate humor to other mom's of toddlers not to mention the SINGLE MAMAS, inspirational quotes and articles, and recipes for good health in a holistic fashion. I truly hope that this can be a place for someone to find a haven, a mini vacation, and a relatable story, or maybe even a friend. I will be looking forward to posting regularly.
Love, Peace, and All Things GOOD.
-Emmerica Heart