Thursday, February 6, 2014

Enjoying Oregon Living: Hiking Along Kings Valley Highway

I love Oregon, and I love nature. It's one of the things I am studying in school, all the great healing properties of plants. My Manfriend started taking me on hikes last week and it's totally awesome because I love stuff like that!
Last Week we went and hiked Fort Hoskins Historic Park. It was really neat. Neither of us had been there before. The hike was a little over 2 miles with a steady incline to the top and a comfortable walk back down. We saw evidence of all sorts of wild life, including recent tracks from a herd of elk, deer tracks, claw marks from a bear scratching on a tree, and a poop. Yes, the poop is important to mention. I had decided once we started hiking I was going to try and find a poop on every hike we went on, ya know, just for "shits and giggles".
The view point wasn't bad, but if you are not paying attention, you blink and miss it. For a first hike though, it was excellent. Here are a few photos.

This one is us

These are some Elk Tracks

The Infamous Poop!
Cliff Edge
We really enhoyed our hike at Hoskins, and there are some really great sites to see along Kings Valley HWY, So yesterday we decided to go to another park that a local had told us about called Beazell Forest Memorial Park. We woke up early and got ready as usual, loaded up the truck with our packs, stopped for a few things at the little general store and then we hit the road. The drive out there was very beautiful, the sun was in the sky and there was snow on the mountain tops up in the ValSetz area.
Once we reached the park and started getting out of the truck, we were not prepared for how cold it would be. Honestly, it was so cold I almost thought about getting back in the truck and heading back home. The wind chilled and my nose was so cold I thought my nasal passages would freeze! But we were already there, and we agreed if we just started walking it would warm up. We  started veering left of the barn, the beginning of the route walked along a creek and was pretty level. The smell was woody and you could hear the sounds of water rushing,  birds chirping and branches swaying in the wind. We passed this a beautiful gazebo,
We passed an old car that we both thought was just kinda neat
And then, we passed some beautiful little water falls

There are many paths to choose which go off and loop back to the main trail, we took most of them. The main trail is a fairly steep incline. There were a few bridges. No places to stop and take a rest and sit down other than tree stumps, I really liked it though, keeping it nature like. As we climbed to the top, the sun was shinning down through the trees and it was so serene and peaceful. I felt at home, like I just belonged there. There were beautiful oak trees overgrown by moss and trees that had fallen over creating new habbitats for wildlife. The whole forest worked together supporting each other's survival. There was no trash. There was no "city odor" You couldn't hear any cars,....Just the sounds of nature. This was a hike we both agreed we would love to do again and we would recommend it for other people too. I have been lucky enough to have Matt (my Manfriend) be the one to take me hiking, because he is experienced in the wilderness, knows about proper safety and how to prepare for all situations. This is a great trail for beginners, but you should definitely go with someone who has experience before you go by yourself because there is a lot of wild life. We saw all signs of cougar, bear, and coyote.

On the way back, between Kings Valley and Peedee, there is a covered bridge over Ritner Creek. We stopped and took some pictures, and decided it might be a good place to go fishing some day.

After we got our pictures of Ritner Bridge, we decided it was too cold and we needed to head home. I thought I would be smart and beat the cold by running, but Matt thought it was hilarious when I dramatically called out to him that the truck was locked and I was cold!! We got in, cranked up the heater, and started heading back to town to conclude our trip.
It was a great day! We always have fun. For me, it's nice to spend time with someone who does enjoy things things that I do too. I feel it is important when dating and in a relationship with someone to have your differences too, but when you have things in common and can find things to enjoy to do together, it's priceless and it makes for better quality of time together, even if the quantity isn't as often as you would like.
So, we don't know when our next trip will be, but we are still exploring the Kings Valley Hwy area. We were actually looking to plan a route out above Falls City, I've never been to The Valley of the Giants before, neither has he, and he has never been to Gerlinger park. Anyway, lots of stuff ahead of us, and I hope that some of you can take some of the hikes we have taken and enjoy them as well.
Until next time,
Emmerica <3

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