Sunday, February 9, 2014

Abstinence Makes The Heart Grow Fonder, And Still Snow!

If you read my last blog post, then you know that Matt and I decided to take a vow of abstinence for each other to build a stronger foundation to have a relationship. A lot of people have been encouraging and support this idea. Others have told me that it is a bad idea because a relationship needs sex because it brings people closer together. And I do agree, sex can bring a couple closer together, but what happens if some day you or your partner are unable to perform sexually due to physical injury or illness? Is that an excuse to share that part of you with someone else? Do you stop loving a person because you can't have sex anymore? If sex is the only thing that kept you together, then what did you really have? And did you truly love that person, or did you just love a "certain" part of that person?
Anyway, it's only been 2 days since we made this vow, the physical part has been fairly easy. The hardest part is no kissing goodbye and hugging.The no "I love you" or pet names is a little harder. But I'm doing it and so far I think I've done ok. If this is how I need to prove my feelings I am absolutely happy and willing to do it, he deserves it, he deserves the best. And I want a relationship that will last a lifetime. In order to have that you have to start with a strong foundation. So, we continue on getting to know each other. We laugh, we walk together and do other quality things together, and we learn the things that make our hears beat, and be the very best friends we can be for each other.
Other than that, we still have about 18 inches of snow in Independence and the rest of Polk County. It's heating up and crews are preparing for the about 9 inches of standing water we will have. I'm worried my house is just going to tip over on the left side. My son Thomas has been snowed in at my mom's house all week. I miss him so much. It's hard being away from my baby, and I know he misses me. Thomas doesn't usually like to talk on the phone, but he called me and told me he wanted to come home and be with mom. It broke my heart and I cried for a long time. The snow is pretty, but it's keeping my baby away from me and I wish it was over with now. Not to mention, several crashes all over up and down the Valley. I read this morning that there was a 50 car pile up near Eugene on I5......Can you even imagine that kind of mess? I hope the families are ok.
I hurt my back at work the other day. I had a slip and fall accident and ever since I haven't been able to do much physically. It sucks because nothing is really comfortable whether I am sitting, lying down, standing, or walking. Most of the past couple days I've lounged around and watched TV and taken naps. I won't take medication unless I feel it is dire need. But I've made a couple herbal teas that have anti-inflammatory properties, other than that, just naps. I always find that your body tells you what you need. Pain pills do not actually heal and in my experience they have caused more physical damage than good, so I generally sleep when I am in pain. It makes me tired and I sleep through it. I have taken a couple walks to help loosen up after being stiff all day but by the time I get home, I'm exhausted and sore. So instead of walking I am just going to try some light stretches. At least with the time I've had off I've been able to catch up on some reading for my classes. I have several projects due in the next couple days, so I guess the extra time has been nice.
I'm considering getting a puppy. I mean, in a lot of ways, it makes sense. I live alone so it would be a good idea for security. It would be companionship for when I am lonely, and great motivation for my walks and exercise. But on the other hand, I often stay a couple nights at Matt's house a week and it wouldn't be convenient to have a dog then. It's a tough decision. Plus, pets can make a mess. They shed, they get dirty, they can smell,....I'm just not sure. But there is a dog going into the custody of a  local rescue that I called about. We'll see what happens. Like all things, if it's meant to be, it's meant to be.
Well, I guess that is about all that is on my mind for the time being. I wish everyone safety and warmth during these cold days.

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