Thursday, February 6, 2014

The Basics of Me

Let's get a little background going so I can introduce you to the people who are significantly in my life. I am a single mom who divorced last year. I have 1 child, he is a boy and his name is Thomas. He is the light of my life. His father and I generally get a long pretty well, but you know, there are always going to be times where we don't get along perfectly, but we manage for Thomas. I am living alone with my son in Polk County Oregon. I don't have many relatives, and the ones I do have are not close. My mom lives about 10 miles away but I do not see her much. My father and I are not getting along. So I'm pretty Independent here. But there is one person I spend a significant amount of time with besides my son. I call him my "manfriend". People laugh and ask me, "Why do you call him a manfriend?? Is he old??". He is older than me, but that's not really anything new. I prefer to date guys at least 10 years older than me, but as you will learn, I am not mentally 23 with the life experience I have behind me. We have been dating since the beginning of December 2013.
So I left Thomas's father at the beginning of Match 2013 after 2 years of trying to reconcile a failing marriage. It takes 2 to make a relationship work and when I realized he was never going to do his part, I left. To this day, most people still do not know the things he did in our marriage, I took all the blame to save his reputation. I lost a lot of friends over it, which hurt, but I've accepted it. and moved on. And really, who's business is it other than between the 2 people involved why a marriage failed?
So I left Thomas's father and lived with my dad for a while and then when I got the job I am currently working, I bought my house. It is just a 2 bedroom mobile home, but it is my castle and I am doing it on my own. I love this place.
I dated a few guys between March and November 2013. But then I started dating my Manfriend in December. He was a customer in the store I work at and we used to flirt all the time. On December 2nd he came into the store and I had been thinking about asking him to come over for dinner for a couple weeks. I finally caught a second to talk to him and I was bright red and nervous and asked him to come over for dinner and he said yes and gave me his number and we talked for a few. I was so excited and I called him the next day. He didn't know it was my birthday. I had planned on cooking dinner for some friends but nobody showed up except him. We had the best night together and we just stayed up talking until 6 in the morning. It was my best birthday ever.
So here we are in February 2014, I also forgot to mention, in 2013, I started studying holistic health and alternative medicine independently. I lost over 40 pounds, went down 5 pants sizes, reversed diabetes, and came completely free of all prescription and over the counter drugs I had been taking, at the time I was on 5 prescriptions. So, since I had such success, I decided I wanted to go to school for holistic healing and alternative medicine. In January I began classes earning a degree in Holistic Wellness and Alternative Medicine. I am very excited for this and I hope I can help other people create their success story some day.
That's basically my life right now. I have some hobbies, I love to be outdoors, I love cooking, I like to do projects around my house, Spending time with my son, I love dancing and exercise, and of course, you will get to know me more through my posts. Next post, "Enjoying Oregon Living"!

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